Saturday 24 March 2012

Writing Copy.


Caption for one of the pictures: Picture of Ellie & Molly from a photo shoot for their brand new album 'Next Chapter'.

"Its funny because when I was little I wanted to become a vet"
"It's like we're on a ride that we never want to get off of"

The Interview:

1. Ellie & Molly, how are you feeling today?
Ellie: Hello, we're good thanks, just still in shock that we're having this interview.
Molly: It feels so unreal, I cant believe we're here.

2. So tell us, when did you decide to go into the music industry?
Ellie: Music has always been a big part of my life, I cant go a day without listening to it. Its always been a dream of mine to become a singer and make good music people will enjoy but I just never thought it would happen.
Molly: Its funny because when I was little I wanted to become a vet but then one day I joined the school choir and ever since have wanted to be a singer.

3. So how did you come up with writing the songs on your album 'Next Chapter'?
Molly: Its quite a random story actually (laughs)
Ellie: It was last summer and we were on holiday sat on a hill in Weymouth. We were talking about general things and music came up and because I had my guitar we just started singing, then out of the blue we came up with our own lyrics. So from then on we started writing and making music.    

4. Your first album called 'Next Chapter' which is very good, was released this week, how do you feel about it? And who came up with the name?
Ellie: It feels like I'm dreaming and haven't woken up yet. It's like we're on a ride that we never want to get off of.
Molly: The name was a mutual decision, we called it 'Next Chapter'  because the first chapter to our story was being given a recording contract and having our first album out with our songs on it is the next. 

5.You've played many gigs and met a lot of famous people, who's was your favourite celebrity you've met so far?
Ellie: Would definitely have to say The Wombats who we met last year backstage at a festival. I'm a huge fan of them and they have been a massive influence for our music.
Molly: I agree. But I loved meeting Ed Sheeran, he's such a cool guy and I love his music. He's also pretty inspiring with how far he's come, especially as he sort of started out the same way we did.
Ellie: She's crushing on him a little. (Both laugh)

6. So what's coming up for you two this year?
Ellie: We have so many signing's and promotions to do, and not to mention our tour that starts the end of this year, its going to be crazy but we are so excited to get on that stage and perform our songs!

7. Its been lovely chatting to you girls and I wish you the best of luck with everything and I'll be catching up with you girls again one day and see what you are up to.
Ellie: Thank you for having us, we've had so much fun. And yes definitely we would love to talk to you again one day, make sure you get in touch.
Molly: Yes thanks and a catch up with a few drinks sounds good(laughs). No doubt when you see us we'll be up to no good! (Both laugh).

Ellie & Molly's debut album 'New chapter' is now available in stores and to download on L.Tunes. 


2-3 TOP 40                                                                                                          In the charts this week.

4-5 ELLIE & MOLLY SPECIAL                                                                                 Interview & Pictures.

6-7 FESTIVALS AND EVENTS                                                                                        All you need to know.

8-9 GIGS,GIGS,GIGS!                                                                                          Upcoming and new dates!

12-13 WIN!                                                                                                          Competition to in an amazing holiday.  

14-15 REVIEWS                                                                                                Reviews for this weeks new songs and albums.

16-17 JAMES DEAN                                                                                                   We have a chat with chart topping singer/songwriter.

CAPTION: Ellie &Molly double page exclusive.  

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