Friday 2 March 2012

Contents Page Analysis & Double Page Spread Analysis.

Contents Page:

Double Page Spread:

This analysis is a double page spread taken from Mix Mag( which is a magazine all about music, the different aspects of it. They include club tracks, news, reviews and pictures and information on things like festivals/parties/clubs, music charts and artist in music today.

In this double page spread, their are small pictures framing the big main picture, so the focus is on the main picture. The pictures that are boarding the main picture are small pictures that show you other things that happened at this event shown in the main picture. It also shows you the some of the people that were there, a few things they did and the stages and acts that were there aswell.
The font is in big bold colours for the titles, headings etc. All the text on the page is in white as the background colour/images are quite dark so the white will be visible to see and read.
At the top of the page it shows other a few things included on the next pages. Even though this is written in the contents page it again shows readers that good things are on the next pages and they should continue reading.
This magazine is aimed at teenagers/young adults as the language used isn't formal and in some parts slang is used, also because of the content included in this magazine is appealing to the younger generation.

The publisher for this magazine is Development Hell Ltd who publish this magazine monthly.

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