Friday 2 March 2012

Questionnaire Evaluation.

Question 1. 
I put this question in because i wanted to see how many people actually read music magazines. Most people said they do not read music magazines.

Question 2:
I asked this question because i wanted to know how often people actually read music magazines. Not many people read music magazines often, this could indicate that music magazines need to be improved/changed or that people may not have any personal interest.

Question 3:
I asked this because i wanted to know what genre of music most people prefer and which one they like the most. Each genre got a couple of tally's accept for heavy metal/rock. also Pop got the lowest tally's.

Question 4:
I used this question because i wanted to know not much most people would want to pay for a music magazine. Most people said they would pay either under a £1, under £2 or nothing at all, this told me that most people wouldn't want to spend a lot or nothing at all on a music magazine.

Question 5:
I asked this question because i wanted to see what people would expect to see in a music magazine. This helped as it gave me ideas and insight for things tp put in my music magazine. People mostly said they would expect to see pictures of artist etc, music updates everything happening in music at that time etc.

Question 6:
I asked this because i wanted to see if people like magazines to have a lot of pictures in it. This helped me as it told me whether i should have a lot or not may pictures in magazines to have a lot of pictures.

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