Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation 2.

Question 2. How does you media product represent particular social groups?

The social group I wanted to represent was young people who don’t fit into a particular group/style as this fits in well with the indie theme. For example I have included events(festivals etc) and other information(artist/top 40 in charts) in my contents page and front cover that will relate to the younger generation as this is what they are into and like.    
                                                                                                                                                                                 My double page spread includes two young female artists that can relate to both male and females as the music genre these artist do are indie and that’s what the younger people listen to. Even though the artists in my double page spread and on my front cover are females and one of the colours I have used is a shade of pink, my media product also can represent the fact that this magazine doesn't have a specific gender and is for male + females as the their social group and interest of music is the same. Also I have used a shade of blue and other non-bias colour schemes like red, black and white.    
The magazines pictures I have used don’t really fit into a style/group either as they are quite individual which represents my target audience well. However they do fit into the indie style/ group which is my aim for my magazine.

The class of the people who will read my magazine will most likely be just normal middle class people. This is represented in my magazine as the two people in my pictures look like normal class people and aren't too out there which makes them help towards the social group.  

Below these YouTube video of The Kooks and The Wombats shows the kind of style/people who will read my magazine, and what some may dress/act like.

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