Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation 7.

Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

To answer this question I made a video.

Evaluation 6.

Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product.

To answer this question i created a table in Microsoft word.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation 5.

Question 5. How did you attract/address your audience?

For this question I made a power point presentation to answer it and have uploaded it to

Evaluation 4.

Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience I was aiming my music magazine at magazine at are young, maybe male and female students, who could be in education but most likely college/sixthform/university who are interested in mainly indie music. They would also be interested in things such as fashion and have a good sense of it.presumably they would shop in places like Topman/Topshop, Hollister or somewhere well known and keeping up with the latest fashion.                                 
They would have an easy-going, free lifestyle and would enjoy spending time with friends and going to gigs or clubs etc. 
By previously doing audience research, it helped me come up with this target audience. 
Below is a moodboard I previously created showing an idea of the target audience for my magazine, look/dress like, places they shop/go and artist they may listen to. 

Evaluation 3.

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

For this question I created a power point presentation which I uploaded to  

Evaluation 2.

Question 2. How does you media product represent particular social groups?

The social group I wanted to represent was young people who don’t fit into a particular group/style as this fits in well with the indie theme. For example I have included events(festivals etc) and other information(artist/top 40 in charts) in my contents page and front cover that will relate to the younger generation as this is what they are into and like.    
                                                                                                                                                                                 My double page spread includes two young female artists that can relate to both male and females as the music genre these artist do are indie and that’s what the younger people listen to. Even though the artists in my double page spread and on my front cover are females and one of the colours I have used is a shade of pink, my media product also can represent the fact that this magazine doesn't have a specific gender and is for male + females as the their social group and interest of music is the same. Also I have used a shade of blue and other non-bias colour schemes like red, black and white.    
The magazines pictures I have used don’t really fit into a style/group either as they are quite individual which represents my target audience well. However they do fit into the indie style/ group which is my aim for my magazine.

The class of the people who will read my magazine will most likely be just normal middle class people. This is represented in my magazine as the two people in my pictures look like normal class people and aren't too out there which makes them help towards the social group.  

Below these YouTube video of The Kooks and The Wombats shows the kind of style/people who will read my magazine, and what some may dress/act like.

Evaluation 1.

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use to develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media.

For this question i used Prezi Presentation to help answer. 

Final Double Page Spread.

Final Contents Page.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Writing Copy.


Caption for one of the pictures: Picture of Ellie & Molly from a photo shoot for their brand new album 'Next Chapter'.

"Its funny because when I was little I wanted to become a vet"
"It's like we're on a ride that we never want to get off of"

The Interview:

1. Ellie & Molly, how are you feeling today?
Ellie: Hello, we're good thanks, just still in shock that we're having this interview.
Molly: It feels so unreal, I cant believe we're here.

2. So tell us, when did you decide to go into the music industry?
Ellie: Music has always been a big part of my life, I cant go a day without listening to it. Its always been a dream of mine to become a singer and make good music people will enjoy but I just never thought it would happen.
Molly: Its funny because when I was little I wanted to become a vet but then one day I joined the school choir and ever since have wanted to be a singer.

3. So how did you come up with writing the songs on your album 'Next Chapter'?
Molly: Its quite a random story actually (laughs)
Ellie: It was last summer and we were on holiday sat on a hill in Weymouth. We were talking about general things and music came up and because I had my guitar we just started singing, then out of the blue we came up with our own lyrics. So from then on we started writing and making music.    

4. Your first album called 'Next Chapter' which is very good, was released this week, how do you feel about it? And who came up with the name?
Ellie: It feels like I'm dreaming and haven't woken up yet. It's like we're on a ride that we never want to get off of.
Molly: The name was a mutual decision, we called it 'Next Chapter'  because the first chapter to our story was being given a recording contract and having our first album out with our songs on it is the next. 

5.You've played many gigs and met a lot of famous people, who's was your favourite celebrity you've met so far?
Ellie: Would definitely have to say The Wombats who we met last year backstage at a festival. I'm a huge fan of them and they have been a massive influence for our music.
Molly: I agree. But I loved meeting Ed Sheeran, he's such a cool guy and I love his music. He's also pretty inspiring with how far he's come, especially as he sort of started out the same way we did.
Ellie: She's crushing on him a little. (Both laugh)

6. So what's coming up for you two this year?
Ellie: We have so many signing's and promotions to do, and not to mention our tour that starts the end of this year, its going to be crazy but we are so excited to get on that stage and perform our songs!

7. Its been lovely chatting to you girls and I wish you the best of luck with everything and I'll be catching up with you girls again one day and see what you are up to.
Ellie: Thank you for having us, we've had so much fun. And yes definitely we would love to talk to you again one day, make sure you get in touch.
Molly: Yes thanks and a catch up with a few drinks sounds good(laughs). No doubt when you see us we'll be up to no good! (Both laugh).

Ellie & Molly's debut album 'New chapter' is now available in stores and to download on L.Tunes. 


2-3 TOP 40                                                                                                          In the charts this week.

4-5 ELLIE & MOLLY SPECIAL                                                                                 Interview & Pictures.

6-7 FESTIVALS AND EVENTS                                                                                        All you need to know.

8-9 GIGS,GIGS,GIGS!                                                                                          Upcoming and new dates!

12-13 WIN!                                                                                                          Competition to in an amazing holiday.  

14-15 REVIEWS                                                                                                Reviews for this weeks new songs and albums.

16-17 JAMES DEAN                                                                                                   We have a chat with chart topping singer/songwriter.

CAPTION: Ellie &Molly double page exclusive.  


The pictures I took that I will include in my magazine.

Mock Ups: Double Page Spread.

Mock Ups: Contents Page

Friday 16 March 2012

Mock Ups: Front cover.

Colour Testing.

Black - This colour would be good to use for things like the headings, titles or main fonts in the magazines. Its an easy to read colour and can stand out on any colour, especially when in bold. however it can be a very dull and boring colour and be very plain aswell.

Blue - Different shades of blue can be used for background colours or headings etc as it stands out and goes well with most colours. Also a darker blue can be used for big titles as it would stand out more. Blue also represents water and the sky, darker and lighter shades of blue can be used for pages on both men and women.

Red - This colour would be good to use for titles etc as its appealing and stands out over most colours. Red is associated with things like love, anger, hate, danger. So it can be used for both male and women artist as it can be a darker harder red for men and a softer lighter red for women.

Yellow - This colour would be used when the background is darker as it only stands out on darker colours rather than light ones. Yellow is a good fun and vibrant colour, it represents the sun, happiness and all shades of yellow are quite a peaceful colour. Different shades of yellow can do different things for a magazine, they can make it more fun and vibrant or calm and mellow, but they can all brighten up the page.

Green - This colour would be good to use for headings or cover lines etc. Green is a very earthy and natural colour. Also a lighter green could be used for backgrounds etc as other colours would show up on it and it would be a nice light colour. This colour would probably be used in an indie magazine. 

Pink - This colour is very bright, fun and feminine. It would more likely be used in a magazine that is very feminine based, so the colour would more likely be used for articles/pages on female artist. Pink is usually associated with love and 'sweet things'. However pink may not be a suitable or fit most types of music genres.

Neon - These colours are very bright and fun, they could be used for headings or some titles etc. these colours would most likely be used for dance/dubstep etc magazines as they are vibrant and represent flashing lights(bright party lights). 

Thursday 15 March 2012

Font Testing.

Arial - This font could be used for captions, questions or other small text in magazines. Its quite a simple and basic font so it could be used in most magazines. Its a very general font and could be used for anything as its not aimed at any specific.

Rosewood STD regular - This font is good for main titles and headings. This font stands out and would catch readers attention, its a big and bold font again that would catch the readers attention. Its a very fun and playful font, it also has a design at the bottom of the font which makes it more nice to look at and interesting. 

Reader Profile: Fashion/Style & People.

These are some of the clothing you would expect people who listen to these genres to wear.


These are some of the clothes you would expect to find on females who listen to these genres. 
Their style is very individual and they usually wear shorts or skinnys or plain dresses with boots or converses and slogan t-shirt or printed blouse/shirt.
The female style isn't much different from the males just that the female style is just more feminine.


These are some of the clothes you would expect to find on men.
Again they have individual styles that are not far of from the females they just have a more masculine look to them.
Their styles include wearing skinnys (usually dark/blue or dark/red) or occasionally shorts with plain/striped t-shirts or slogan t-shirts or shirts(usually checked) and either boots, vans or converses etc.
Colours they wear are usually quite bland but they may wear a colour that stands out.

Both male and have do have individual styles but their style is also influenced but the music artist/genre they listen to.

Mood Board I made to show an idea of my target audience for my music magazine.               This gives an idea of what the target audience for my magazine look like, what bands they listen to, where they would most likely shop and places/gigs they would go to.

Picture Sources:

Thursday 8 March 2012

Reader Profile.

My music magazine is aimed at people aged between 16-25. The sort of person who will read my magazine will be very edgy and independent in all aspects of their lives and very free-sprited, they'll also be the type of people that will do whatever that want when they want. 
Their fashion sense will be vintage but also can look casual or even quirky aswell on a day to day basis. 
They will like the social life, so going to festivals, clubs and other major music events/gigs. 
They'll also be people who mainly listen to indie music 
They will most likely be chart followers and keep up with this genre and music updates in general.

Friday 2 March 2012

Contents Page Analysis & Double Page Spread Analysis.

Contents Page:

Double Page Spread:

This analysis is a double page spread taken from Mix Mag( which is a magazine all about music, the different aspects of it. They include club tracks, news, reviews and pictures and information on things like festivals/parties/clubs, music charts and artist in music today.

In this double page spread, their are small pictures framing the big main picture, so the focus is on the main picture. The pictures that are boarding the main picture are small pictures that show you other things that happened at this event shown in the main picture. It also shows you the some of the people that were there, a few things they did and the stages and acts that were there aswell.
The font is in big bold colours for the titles, headings etc. All the text on the page is in white as the background colour/images are quite dark so the white will be visible to see and read.
At the top of the page it shows other a few things included on the next pages. Even though this is written in the contents page it again shows readers that good things are on the next pages and they should continue reading.
This magazine is aimed at teenagers/young adults as the language used isn't formal and in some parts slang is used, also because of the content included in this magazine is appealing to the younger generation.

The publisher for this magazine is Development Hell Ltd who publish this magazine monthly.

Front Cover Analysis.

Front Cover Analysis.

Front Cover Analysis.

Front Cover Analysis.

Questionnaire Evaluation.

Question 1. 
I put this question in because i wanted to see how many people actually read music magazines. Most people said they do not read music magazines.

Question 2:
I asked this question because i wanted to know how often people actually read music magazines. Not many people read music magazines often, this could indicate that music magazines need to be improved/changed or that people may not have any personal interest.

Question 3:
I asked this because i wanted to know what genre of music most people prefer and which one they like the most. Each genre got a couple of tally's accept for heavy metal/rock. also Pop got the lowest tally's.

Question 4:
I used this question because i wanted to know not much most people would want to pay for a music magazine. Most people said they would pay either under a £1, under £2 or nothing at all, this told me that most people wouldn't want to spend a lot or nothing at all on a music magazine.

Question 5:
I asked this question because i wanted to see what people would expect to see in a music magazine. This helped as it gave me ideas and insight for things tp put in my music magazine. People mostly said they would expect to see pictures of artist etc, music updates everything happening in music at that time etc.

Question 6:
I asked this because i wanted to see if people like magazines to have a lot of pictures in it. This helped me as it told me whether i should have a lot or not may pictures in magazines to have a lot of pictures.